Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's Been awhile

Hi Everyone!

Yeah I know I am bad at this. But with all the changes going on in my life and transitioning into a new job, I am back! Ok so I have recently been inspired, to not only blog about everything environmental, but just everything in general. From cool tid bits I learn, to stuff I read, to ideas I learn at get ready because I am going to blogging about anything and everything that I come across :)

P.S. It's hot here, is it hot there? With all the fires going on in California my prayers are with you and your family. For everyone being affected by the fires we are praying that this too shall pass. But what does come to mind with all these crazy weather changes and natural disasters it does make me think of Global Warming. So if you haven't watched "Inconvenient Truth", I say shame on you! Ok just kidding, but seriously you should really watch it, it opened my eyes to being nicer to this world we live in and how I (and you) can make a difference! Happy Watching ( Oh and yeah the founder of my new jobl, his media company produced it! So another reason to go watch it!!

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